Our Vision: A world in which all people have the opportunities and support to develop skills, knowledge and confidence allowing them to fulfil their potential and create a positive future.
Our Purpose: Enriching lives through education and adventure.

We achieve Our Vision through:
- Recognising that each young person is unique and has their own way of seeing and understanding the world around them. Endeavour uses a range of approaches and different experiences that cater to these individual needs.
- Believing in being relentlessly reasonable and treating each day with each young person as a new start and a new opportunity to succeed.
- Using Personal Development activities to provide kinaesthetic learning, providing less academic young people with an opportunity to thrive and to build upon their existing soft skills.
- Using Social Action to help young people understand more about the importance of social responsibility and the value of giving something back to society.
- Using Education to teach young people and enable them to achieve qualifications and accredited outcomes. Endeavour is the only GCSE registered alternative education provider in Sheffield.
Our Values

Our Charitable Objectives: To assist young people to develop their full potential as individuals and members of society.
The Need: Social, economic, physical and psychological circumstances can limit the aspiration, experiences and opportunities of individuals.
The location of Endeavour is within an area of deprivation, where the need for support is high. We aspire to be at the heart of the community and meet the needs of the people within it, working with valued partner organisations who are trying to achieve similar outcomes.
Endeavour is in it's 67th year of operation and therefore has a wealth of knowledge and experience. This is used and refined each year to achieve our vision.
Our incredible staff team consists of people with a diverse range of skills, qualities and experience, including qualified outdoor instructors, teachers with QTS, qualified youth workers, staff with experience and qualifications in leadership, management, social work, counselling, secure accommodation, teaching English as a foreign language, special educational needs co-ordination, consultancy and small business owners.