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Endeavour Consent Form

Consent Form

Each person who takes part in an Endeavour programme can only do so after the completion of an Endeavour Consent and Participation Information Form. This form is to tell us about any needs we should cater for.  We try our best to include everyone so please tell us as much information as possible.

A participant is anyone who attends an Endeavour event, this may be:

  • a child taking part in an Endeavour programme
  • an adult relative / guardian of a child taking part in an Endeavour programme
  • an adult taking part in an Endeavour programme
  • an adult taking part in an Endeavour event.

This form should be completed by and signed by an adult (a person aged 18 or over).

What Consent Means

  • That you consent to yourself/your child taking part in an Endeavour programme including all related activities.
  • That you are happy for yourself/your child to use travel & transport provided by Endeavour.
  • That you/your child does not suffer from a medical or physical condition which would preclude them from participation.
  • That you/your child will follow all safety guidelines given by staff.
  • That you/your child may receive first aid or medical treatment if necessary during an Endeavour programme.
  • That you recognise that a small degree of risk exists in all activities.
  • That you have provided us with accurate information about yourself/your child and will inform us of any changes.
  • Should further support be required, that you are happy for Endeavour to arrange for outside agencies, other professionals or other providers to work with you/your child as appropriate.
  • That you acknowledge that whilst on an Endeavour programme, you/your child is advised to not bring any valuables with you/them, and that Endeavour is not responsible should you/your child bring anything of value that is lost, damaged or stolen.

You/Your child should expect

  • To be responsible for your/their own behaviour whilst on an Endeavour Programme. You/they should follow all instructions including but not limited to behaviour, health and safety, and respect.
  • To remain with the programme, you/they should not leave the programme/project site without informing a member of staff.
  • To be open and transparent with staff. You/they must report any accidents, illness or discomfort to staff immediately.


We strongly advise that you/your child’s tetanus protection is up-to-date.

Where we rely on your consent to use you/your child’s personal information, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This includes the right to ask us to stop using personal information for direct marketing purposes, to be unsubscribed from our email list at any time, to withdraw permission for your own/your child’s images to be used for social media and publicity materials and/or academic evidence. A full copy of our privacy policy is available. If you change your mind and no longer wish to give consent then please inform us in writing at: info@endeavour.org.uk or by calling us on 0114 243 8219.

By signing below, you consent to you/your child taking part in Endeavour Programmes and to receiving any first-aid or urgent medical treatment required during the Programmes. You confirm that you have read and understood the information about Endeavour (above). You also agree to the information about you/your child being shared with partner organisations involved in the delivery and support of this programme.

If you are unable or unwilling to consent to the information above this form cannot be completed. For further assistance please contact info@endeavour.org.uk or call us on 0114 2438219.

Sign Here

If you wish to provide consent for 5 or more children please do not continue with this online form. Please contact us on info@endeavour.org.uk  or call 0114 243 8219 for further information on how to provide consent for larger groups.

Next of Kin / Emergency Contact Details

Please provide us with the following information so that we know who we should contact in the event of an emergency. If you and your children are taking part in an Endeavour programme (or you are an adult taking part in an Endeavour programme/event), you must provide the details of someone else who is not on the programme/event who we can contact.

Your details

Medical Information

Additional Needs

Please provide details for any of the following that may apply:

Child 1 details

Medical Information

Additional Needs

Please provide details for any of the following that may apply:

Child 2 details

Medical Information

Additional Needs

Please provide details for any of the following that may apply:

Child 3 details

Medical Information

Additional Needs

Please provide details for any of the following that may apply:

Child 4 details

Medical Information

Additional Needs

Please provide details for any of the following that may apply:

Photo Permissions

All rights reserved. © Endeavour 2025. Website v2.
Endeavour is a registered charity (275061) and a company limited by guarantee (01157897).
Registered office: Endeavour Centre, Earl Marshall Road, Fir Vale, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S4 8FB