Hello, we are CAP.
Our Community Ambassadors are a group of young people from around Burngreave who are passionate about making a difference in their local community. These young people have experienced social isolation as a result of Covid-19. They have met regularly with Endeavour youth workers throughout the lockdown via Zoom. Furthermore, we have arranged some invite only socially distanced, outdoor support group sessions where appropriate. Some of the group have worked more closely in social bubbles.
They have been learning about social action and environmental issues, and decided that something needs to be done about the Litter in Burngreave, and so we've set out to clean up the area and raise awareness about the effects littering has on nature and the environment.

The Community Ambassadors Project (CAP) is funded by Clarion Futures, #iWill Fund, South Yorkshire's Community Foundation and the Awards For All National Lottery Community Fund in partnership with Arches Housing.
Connecting online
Our activities on Zoom have included poetry, song writing, first aid bleed training, quizzes and discussions about causes that matter to us. It has been great to stay in touch with young people during the lockdown and connect on Zoom every week, giving us the opportunity to get to know each other in a very different way than we're used to! We've also been playing a lot of Among Us which is a particular favourite of ours!

A walk around the local community
Following government guidelines, the Community Ambassadors were able to meet outside in small groups and do a 'Grumble Walk', where they took Endeavour Youth Workers for a stroll around their local area and pointed out places that need improvement. The Ambassadors are full of creative ideas and solutions, and we believe it's important to listen to them. The walks were informative and eye opening, and showed us that these Young People are serious about social action!
Serious about Social Action
After lots of Zoom discussions about what was important to us in the local community, our Ambassadors decided something must be done about the Litter around Burngreave. Using the Litterati app, we set ourselves the challenge of picking up 100 pieces of litter in half an hour around the Endeavour Centre, and well surpassed it, collecting 363 pieces, with even more not registered on the App!
When restrictions are eased, the Ambassadors are planning to do more litter picking in the local area and work to improve our green spaces by connecting with the council.

Pollution Planet: A song by CAP
During lockdown the Ambassadors had a great idea to help raise awareness about litter and pollution - write a song! We began by putting our heads together on zoom and writing down some ideas for lyrics. Before we knew it we had a song! Then we worked with a musician to develop a melody, and recorded everything using our phones. Hopefully one day soon we'll get into a studio and record it properly!
Art from trash!
The Ambassadors got together on a bright Sunday morning to pick up even more litter and create something beautiful from it. Our projects are still underway, so check back here soon to see the finished creations!

'The Litter Art Tree' was created by Ed and Abdul, who worked together to make this inspiring piece of art from cans and bottles.


The Ambassadors took part in a zoom poetry session and produced some wonderful poems following the Cinquain poem format. We focused on 'Home' and 'Outside' with an environmental twist!

Here are some beautiful photos taken by Lucy and Bethany around Burngreave. They certainly are talented photographers!

We hope you've enjoyed hearing about everything we've been doing in Page Hall! If you'd like to know more about the Community Ambassadors Project (CAP), please get in touch and ask for Lottie.
Have an amazing festival!
Lucy, Bethany, Jasmine, Hajrah, Khalisha, Abdul-Hakim, Lottie & Ed 🙂