Miller's Dale adventure walk and abseil

A truly challenging day, our qualified outdoor instructors will take you on a 3K adventure walk through the exceptionally beautiful valley of the River Wye, where it winds through sinuous limestone dales, followed by a 60-70ft abseil from the famous Miller's Dale bridge! Adrenalin guaranteed!

The Plan

8.15am: Meet @ GBAC Offices where breakfast will be provided

8.45am: Travel to Miller's Dale, transport provided

9.45am: Introduction activities for the whole group

10.45am: One group walk, one group Abseil

12.45pm: Groups swap

3pm: Travel to Angler's Rest for refreshments and food

6pm: Return to GBAC Offices

Suggested kit

Please wear weather appropriate clothing. Comfy socks, sensible footwear, waterproof coat, water bottle, face covering, hat & sun cream. Snacks and a drink for during the day prior to pub meal at 3pm.

In order for you to take part in our adventurous activities, we require you to complete our consent form. This can be downloaded here. Please also choose your pub meal from the menu below and enter into the relevant space on the form. Once complete, please send to by Tuesday 7th September.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to us about any aspect of the day, please contact us.